Monday, August 15, 2011

Irish Cream Dreams!

 After my last cupcake disaster I was having a hard time getting the ball rolling again! It was a huge blow to the ego! Tonight went a million times better! I couldn't have picked a better recipe! I made Irish Creams with home made whipped topping.....they turned out amazing.... crazy as this sounds I am not big on sweets. I rarely eat the cupcakes I bake. This cupcake is perfect for someone like myself. The cupcake itself presents itself as a muffin, its got an almost salty undertone and the top and bottom are a little crispy, but once you bite into it it melts in your mouth like a cupcake! The whipped topping is the perfect match for this cupcake. Its not as overpowering as most frosting's but adds a little bit of sweetness to it! They would be perfect for St. Patty's Day with green whipped topping....I think a marshmallow frosting would work well for this too!

The Hubs is taking them to work tomorrow and I am excited to see the response I get! He absolutely LOVED them, but sometimes I worry he's a little biased.

I will be making Marshmallow Oreo Dreams in a couple days! Then I will post whichever recipe got the best response!  

I hope everyone is having a great week so far! Thanks for reading! 


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